Catastrophes can lead to evolution.
I’m not at all thrilled about the amount of time invested in the migration and rebuilding of my new website. I’m pretty sure tech support isn’t thrilled with me either. But, as with most aspects of my life, when I suffer an epic failure it forces me to evolve. The result is often better than whatever status quo I had managed to maintain before it all fell apart. And so Voila! I present a much more elegant and flashy website with lots of fun players that showcase my performance media.
Hopefully, I will now have time to retreat into creating again. It’d be great to jump right in to sculpting an adorable little mushroom person. Sadly, next on my list is another maker video. I want to show my audience how my mushroom men and maidens are born. Please, check back soon to how it’s done.
But just for the moment, I’m putting my feet up and giving my brain a rest. I’ll probably resort to some procrasticleaning before I get back to work.
“Epic failure is the best catalyst for evolution.”
PS. These adorable socks were a Christmas gift from my daughter Kiera. My favorite color, my favorite mushroom and an adorable critter. Perfection!